Research Activities: Tsukasa Hirashima(temporal)


(23) 第64回ALST人工知能学会研究優秀賞,長田卓哉,石田耕平,水田洋平,杉原康太,仁野由彬,森山将吾,森山涼一,中田晋介,舟生日出男,平嶋宗,”小学校理科におけるKit-Build概念マップを用いた授業実践”,(2012,3)

(22)人工知能学会研究会優秀賞, 平嶋宗, 堀口知也, "Error-Based Simulationのモデリング学習環境への展開へ向けて", (2010.7)

(21)ICCE2011 Best Technical Design Paper Award nominee: Knowledge Externalization Based on Differences of Solutions for Automatic generation of Multiple-choice Question, Hisashi OGAWA, Hiroki KOBAYASHI, Noriyuki MATSUDA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Hirokazu TAKI


(19)ICCE2010, Nominated for Best Technology Design Paper Award(2010.12), Sho Yamamoto, Hiromi Waki, Tsukasa Hirashima: An Interactive Environment for Learning by Problem-Changing. -->賞状のスキャン画像


(17)APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award (2009.12)

(16)PNC2009 The best poster presentation, Sho YAMAMOTO, Hiromi Waki, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, "An Approach to Promote Learning by Problem-Based Problem-Posing", TELearn2009, (2009, 10, 6-9). --> 賞状のスキャン画像


(14)教育システム情報学会論文賞(2009,8),今井功,東本 崇仁,堀口 知也,平嶋 宗, "中学理科における Error-based Simulation を用いた授業実践:-「ニュートンに挑戦」プロジェクト-", 教育システム情報学会学会誌, Vol.25, No.2, pp.194-203(2008.9).

(13)AIED2009 Honorable Mention (One of the top 3 papers in AIED2009),  Error-Based Simulation to Promote Awareness of Errors in Elementary Mechanics and Its Evaluation,(2009, 7, 8)


(11)2008年度人工知能学会研究会優秀賞(2008.6)(浦 智幸,脇 浩美,堀口 知也,平嶋 宗 「問題ベースの作問学習支援システムの設計開発」)





(7)Best Paper Award at International Conference on Computers in Education 2002:ICCE2002(論文名:Fusion Method for Designing Computer-Based Learning Game). 

(6)Best Paper Award at International Conference on Computers in Education 2001:ICCE2001(論文名:Automated Question Generation Methods for Intelligent English Learning Systems and its Evaluation). 




(2)Outstanding Paper Award at World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 1995:ED-MEDIA '95(論文名:A Simulation for Error-Reflection) 





(A1)中村 祐一,平嶋 宗,上原 邦昭,豊田 順一,"学生の誤りを解釈する機構の開発-ITSのための一般化および類推を用いたモデル生成法-",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J72-D-II, No.7, pp.1077-1087(1989).

(A2)中村 祐一,平嶋 宗,上原 邦昭,豊田 順一,"ITSのための説明機能に関する検討-ドメイン原理および類推を用いた学生モデル生成法-",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J73-D-II, No.3, pp.399-407(1990).

(A3)平嶋 宗,中村 祐一,上原 邦昭,豊田 順一,"認知的考察に基づく知的CAIのための学生モデルの生成法-プロセス駆動型モデル推論法-",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J73-D-II, No.3, pp.408-417(1990).

(A4)柏原 昭博,平嶋 宗,中村 祐一,豊田 順一,"対象の理解支援を目的とするITSにおける説明機能の高度化に関する検討-説明機能のためのモデル:EXSELの提案-",電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J74-D-II, No.11, pp.1583-1595(1991).

(A5)柏原 昭博,西川 智彦,平嶋 宗,豊田 順一,"説明による対象理解支援のための学習環境について",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J75-A, No.2, pp.286-295(1992).

(A6)平嶋 宗,河野 隆宏,柏原 昭博,豊田 順一,"算数の文章題を対象とした問題演習支援機能の実現",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J75-A, No.2, pp.296-304(1992).

(A7)平嶋 宗,中村 祐一,池田 満,溝口 理一郎,豊田 順一,"ITSを指向した問題解決モデルMIPS",人工知能学会学会誌,Vol.7, No.3, pp.475-486(1992).

(A8)T.Hirashima, T.Kohno, A.Kashihara and J.Toyoda, "Development of Support Facilities for Arithmetical Word Problem Exercises in Intelligent Tutoring Systems", Electronics and Communications in Japan, Vol. 75, No. 11, pp. 296-304(1992).

(A9)A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, Y.Nakamura and J.Toyoda, "Advanced Explanation Capability for Intelligent Tutoring Systems", Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.23, No.12, pp. 93-107(1992).

(A10)永井 隆弘,今中 武,平嶋 宗,上原 邦昭,豊田 順一,"Prologを対象としたソースプログラムからのプログラム仕様自動生成",電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J76-D-II, No.12, pp.2586-2596(1993).

(A11)Akihiro Kashihara, K. Matsumura, Tsukasa Hirashima and Jun'ichi Toyoda, "Load-oriented Tutoring to Enhance Student's Explanation Understanding", IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Vol.E77-D, No.1, pp.27-38(1994).

(A12)Tsukasa Hirashima, Toshitada Niitsu, Kentaro Hirose, Akihiro Kashihara and Jun'ichi Toyoda, "An Indexing Framework for Adaptive Arrangement of Mechanics Problems for ITS", IEICE Trans. Inf.& Syst., Vol.E77-D, No.1, pp.19-26(1994).

(A13)柏原 昭博,菅野 昭博,平嶋 宗,豊田 順一,"説明における認知負荷の適用と実験的評価",人工知能学会誌,Vol.10, No.3, pp.393-402(1995).

(A14)平嶋 宗,東 正造,柏原 昭博,豊田 順一,"補助問題の定式化",人工知能学会誌,Vol.10, No.3, pp.413-420(1995).

(A15)野田 尚志,平嶋 宗,柏原 昭博,豊田 順一,"力学における誤り修正支援を目的としたフェイクシミュレーションの提案",人工知能学会誌,Vol.10, No.4, pp.641-645(1995).

(A16)堀口 知也,平嶋 宗,柏原 昭博,豊田 順一,"歴史の知識構造化を支援する知的教育システムの開発",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.1, No.2, pp.109-120(1995).

(A17)Akihiro Kashihara, Tsukasa Hirashima and Jun'ichi Toyoda, "A Cognitive Load Application in Tutoring", International Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Vol.4, pp.279-303 (1995).

(A18)T. Nagai, T. Imanaka, J. Toyoda, T. Hirashima, K. Uehara and Y. Nagasawa, "A Method for Generating Program Specification from Source Program - Analysis by Transforming Program Structure and Argument Manipulation", Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.26, No.1, pp.11-25(1995)

(A19)松田 憲幸、柏原 昭博、平嶋 宗、豊田 順一,"プログラムの振舞に基づく再帰プログラミングの教育支援",電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II, Vol. J80-D-II, No. 1, pp. 326-335(1997).

(A20)堀口 知也、平嶋 宗、柏原 昭博、豊田 順一,"定性推論技法を用いた誤り可視化シミュレーションの制御",人工知能学会学会誌, Vol.12, No.2, pp.285-296(1997).

(A21)平嶋 宗、蜂谷 憲一、柏原 昭博、豊田 順一,"文脈情報を用いたハイパーテキストのブラウジング支援",人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.12, No.5, pp.724-733(1997).

(A22)Tsukasa Hirashima, Kenichi Hachiya, Akihiro Kashihara, Jun'ichi Toyoda,"Information Filterng Using User's Context on Browsing in Hypertext", User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 239-256(1997)

(A23)松田 憲幸、柏原 昭博、平嶋 宗、豊田 順一,"再帰プログラミングを対象とした問題の比較に基づく問題演習機能の実現",教育システム情報学会, Vol.14, No.2, pp.93-104(1997).

(A24)Tsukasa Hirashima, Tomoya Horiguchi, Akihiro Kashihara, Jun'ichi Toyoda, "Error-based simulation for error-visualization and its management",International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Vol. 9, pp. 17-31(1998)

(A25)柏原 昭博、松井 紀夫、平嶋 宗、豊田 順一,"ダイアグラムを用いた知識構造の外化支援",人工知能学会誌, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 315-325(1999).

(A26)國近 秀信,野村 芳達,平嶋 宗,J.A.Johnson,竹内 章,"WWWを用いた英語の速読力訓練教材とその評価",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.17, No.1, pp.41-50(2000).

(A27)國近 秀信,花多山 知希,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"英語長文読解学習のための質問自動生成機能",電子情報通信学会論文誌D-I, Vol.J83-D-I, No. 6, pp. 702-709(2000)

(A28)中野 明,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"「問題を作ることによる学習」の知的支援環境",電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-I,Vol. J83-D-I, No. 6, pp.539-549(2000)

(A29)平嶋 宗,得能 加奈,竹内 章,"多桁減算におけるバグの可視化の試み",日本教育工学会雑誌, Vol.25, Suppl., pp.173-178(2001).

(A30)堀口 知也,平嶋 宗,"誤りへの気づきを支援するシミュレーション環境-表現手法と視覚効旺を考慮したError-Based Simulationの制御-",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.18, No.3, pp.364-376(2001)

(A31)平嶋 宗,今田 洋史,池松 秀則,ミヤツカラヤ,竹内章,"探索アルゴリズムを対象とした対話的学習環境",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.18, No.3, pp.264-273(2001)

(A32)平嶋 宗,梅田 多一,志岐 隆弘,竹内 章,"XMLを用いた算数の文章問題の作成・共有環境",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.18, No.3, pp.284-296(2001)

(A33)矢野 将之,藤崎 邦宏,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"再帰構造の図式を導入したPrologプログラミング学習支援システム",教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.18, No.3, pp.319-327(2001).

(A34)松田 憲幸,野本 豊裕,平嶋 宗,豊田 順一,"Webブラウジングを対象としたページ分割による情報フィルタリング手法の提案と評価",システム制御情報学会論文誌,Vol. 15,No. 4, pp. 175-183(2002)

(A35)中野 明,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"演算の理解を指向した知的作問学習支援環境",人工知能学会論文誌, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 598-607(2002).

(A36)堀口 知也,平嶋 宗,"誤りの修正を支援するシミュレーション環境-誤りの示唆性を考慮したEBSの制御",人工知能学会論文誌,Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 462-472(2002).

(A37)國近 秀信,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"英語長文読解のための質問の複雑さの定義とその評価",人工知能学論文会誌,Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 521-529(2002).

(A38)ミヤツカラヤ,池松 秀則,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"バグモデルによる診断機能を持った探索アルゴリズムの知的学習支援システム",日本教育工学会雑誌, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 361-370(2003).

(A39)Noriyuki Matsuda, Tsukasa Hirashima, Toyohiro Nomoto, Hirokazu Taki and Jun'ichi Toyoda, "Context-sensitive filtering for the web", Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An international journal 1, pp. 249-257, IOS Press (2003).


(A40)平嶋 宗,吉田 誠,中野 明,竹内 章,"問題変更演習のための学習支援環境の設計・開発",教育システム情報学会学会誌,pp.223-231(2004).

(A41)國近 秀信,本田 実,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"英語物語に関する質問応答のための予想正答文との比較による正誤判定法",教育システム情報学会学会誌,pp.232-240(2004).

(A42)Takanobu Umetsu, Tsukasa Hirashima, and Akira Takeuchi, "A Computer-Based Learning Game Designed by Fusion Method", The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.7-13(2003).


(A43)中野 明,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"問題を比較することによる学習の支援環境",日本教育工学会論文誌,Vol. 28,No. 3, pp.171-182(2004.12)

(A44)中野 明,柳原 健志,平嶋 宗,岡本 真彦,竹内 章,"和と差の二項演算に関する作問学習支援環境利用による算数能力への影響調査",日本教育工学会論文誌,Vol.28,No.3, pp.205-216(2004.12).

(A45)國近 秀信,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"英語物語に関する質問応答のための意味比較による正誤判定",電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-I,Vol.J88-D1,No.1,pp.25-35 (2005.1).

(A46)梅津 孝信,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"学習ゲーム作成のための部分構造交換法とその実践例",電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-I,Vol.J88-D1,No.1,pp.36-44 (2005.1).

(A47)福永 良浩,平嶋 宗,竹内 章,"e-Learning教材における読解促進を目的とした下線引き活動に対するフィードバック機能の実現とその効果",日本教育工学会論文誌,Vol.29,No.3,pp.231-238 (2005.12).

(A48)國近 秀信,松田 瑞生,平嶋 宗,竹内 章, "Web教材の再構成を可能とした探求学習支援環境",知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌),Vol.18,No.2,pp.196-204(2006.4).

(A49)吉高 淳夫,松井 亮治,平嶋 宗, "カメラワークを利用した感性情報の抽出",情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.47,No.6,pp.1696-1707(2006.6).

(A50)横山 琢郎,平嶋 宗,岡本 真彦,竹内 章, "単文統合としての作問を対象とした学習支援システムの設計・開発",教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.23,No.4,pp.166-175(2006.10).

(A51)横山 琢郎,平嶋 宗,岡本 真彦,竹内 章, "作問学習支援システムの小学1年生での利用報告",教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.24,No.1,pp.68-74(2007.1).

(A52)堀口 知也,平嶋 宗, "学習支援を指向した誤り可視化のためのロバストシミュレータ",人工知能学会論文誌,Vol.21,No.6,pp.514-525(2006.11).

(A53)工藤 照久,平嶋 宗,竹内 章, "算数の文章題を対象とした異種演習の複合的運用の試み",教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.24,No.1,pp.62-67(2007.1).

(A54)梅津 孝信,平嶋 宗, "プロパティ交換法とそれに基づく学習ゲーム設計支援システムの開発",人工知能学会論文誌,Vol.22,No.1,pp.19-28(2007.1).

(A55)東本 崇仁,堀口 知也,平嶋 宗,竹内 章, "実験方法の考案による学習を支援する仮想実験環境の構築",教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.24,No.2(2007.6).

(A56)横山 琢郎,平嶋 宗,岡本 真彦,竹内 章, "単文統合による作問を対象とした学習支援システムの長期的利用とその効果",日本教育工学会論文誌,Vol.30,No.4,pp.333-341(2007).

(A57)脇山 孝貴,吉高 淳夫,平嶋 宗, "注目の検出に基づいた興味モデルの作成と絵画推薦",情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.48,No.3, pp. 1048-1057, 2007.


(A59)松田憲幸,高木佐恵子,曽我真人,堀口知也,平嶋宗,瀧寛和,吉本富士市, "鉛筆デッサンが表す写実誤りの三次元モデルによる顕在化", 電子情報通信学会論文誌, D, Vol.J91, No.2, pp.324-332, (2008.2).

(A60)東本崇仁,堀口知也,平嶋宗, "シミュレーションに基づく学習環境における漸進的な知識獲得支援のためのマイクロワールドグラフ",電子情報通信学会論文誌D, Vol.91-D, No.2, pp.303-313(2008.2).

(A61)國近秀信,古賀崇年志,出山大誌,村上卓見,平嶋宗,竹内章, "誤りの可視化による英作文学習支援",電子情報通信学会論文誌D Vol.J91-D, No.2, pp.210-219(2008.2).

(A62)梅津孝信,垣屋良式,平嶋宗,竹内章, "問題解決演習を対象とした学習ゲーム作成法",電子情報通信学会論文誌D, Vol.J91-D, No.2, pp.293-302(2008.2).

(A63)今井功,東本 崇仁,堀口 知也,平嶋 宗, "中学理科における Error-based Simulation を用いた授業実践:-「ニュートンに挑戦」プロジェクト-", 教育システム情報学会学会誌, Vol.25, No.2, pp.194-203(2008.9).

(A64)倉山めぐみ,匂坂洋介,東本崇仁,平嶋宗:数式に基づく状況の設計を通した力学学習の支援システムの設計・開発,教育システム情報学会学会誌Vol.25,No.3, pp282-291(2008.11).

(A65)堀口知也,東本崇仁,今井功,平嶋宗 :Error-based Simulationを用いた中学理科の授業実践 -ニュートンの第三法則を事例として- ,日本教育工学会誌32巻Suppl. pp.113-116(2008, 12).

(A66)舟生日出男,亀田卓司,平嶋宗, "幾何証明課題の解決過程における推論の誤りのインタラクティブな可視化", 日本教育工学会論文誌, Vol.32, No.4, pp.425-433, (2009, 02)

(A67)吉高淳夫, 尾崎 昂, 平嶋宗, "カメラワークを含むショット・リバースショット区間の検出", 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 50, No.4 , pp.1421-1430(2009.4)

(A68)吉高淳夫,西田謙太郎,平嶋宗,"絵画鑑賞時の眼球停留の時間的な発生頻度に着目した注目状態の検出", 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 50, No. 5,pp.1467-1476(2009.5)


(A70)中道孝之,平嶋宗,”力学の情報不備問題を対象とした演習支援システム”Vol26, No.4(2009.12)

(A71)Atsuo Yoshitaka, Akihiro Kawano, Tsukasa Hirashima: IR-Tag-Based Speaker Tracking for Lecture Capture, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol.8, No.1, pp.25-35(2010).

(A72)Jimmy Hermanto, Hideo Funaoi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Context Awareness by Providing Location-dependent and Action-dependent Words in English,  The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol.8, No.1, pp.48-57(2010/4).






(B1)Providing Explanation Capability based on Individual Understanding and Domain Principles, Y.Nakamura, T.Hirashima, K.Uehara and J.Toyoda, Proc. of The Second International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, pp.991-1000(Austin, USA,1989).

(B2)A Cognitive Model for ITS, T.Hirashima, Y.Nakamura, M.Ikeda, R.Mizoguchi and J.Toyoda, Proc. of ARCE, pp.211-217(Tokyo, Japan, 1991) (Advanced Research on Computers in Education, North-Holland, 1991)

(B3)Providing Problem Explanation for ITS. T.Hirashima, A.kashihara, J.Toyoda. Proc. of ITS92, pp.76-83(Montreal, Canada, 1992). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 608: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1992).

(B4)Impasse-Oriented Explanation Planning Based on Explanation Effect Model, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Abridged Proc. of HCI'93, pp.150(Orlando, USA, 1993).

(B5)An Indexing Framework for Adaptive Setting of Problem in ITS, T.Hirashima, T.Niitsu, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of AI-ED'93, pp.90-97(Edinburgh, UK, 1993).

(B6)Towards Load-Oriented Tutoring for Student's Explanation Understanding, A.Kashihara, K. Matsumura, T.Hirashima & J.Toyoda, Proc. of ICCE93, pp.37-42(Taipei, Taiwan, 1993).

(B7)A Cognitive Load Application Approach to Tutoring, A. Kashihara, A.Sugano, K,Matsumura, T.Hirashima & J.Toyoda, Proc. of UM-94, pp.163-168(Boston, USA, 1994).

(B8)An Indexing Framework for Adaptive Problem Sequencing and Problem Simplification, T. Hirashima, A Kashihara & J. Toyoda, Proc. of Seventh Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.552-559(Armidale, Australia 1994). (Artificial Intelligence: Sowing the Seeds for the Future, World Scientific, 1994).

(B9)An Instructional System for Constructing Algorithms in Recursive Programming, N. Matsuda, A Kashihara, T. Hirashima & J. Toyoda, Proc. of HCI95, pp.889-894(Yokohama, Japan, 1995). ( Advanceds in Human Factors/Ergonomics 20A: Symbiosis of Human Artifact, Elsevier, 1995).

(B10)A Learning Environment for Knowledge-Constructing in History, T.Horiguchi, T. Hirashima, A Kashihara & J. Toyoda. Proc. of HCI95, pp.833-838(Yokohama, Japan, 1995). ( Advanceds in Human Factors/Ergonomics 20A: Symbiosis of Human Artifact, Elsevier, 1995).

(B11)Toward Error Remediation with Erroneous-Simulation, T. Hirashima, A Kashihara & J. Toyoda, Abridged Proc. of HCI95, pp.83(Yokohama, Japan, 1995).

(B12)A Cognitive Load Application in Explanation, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, pp.845-854 (Melbourne, Australia, 1995).

(B13)A Simulation for Error-Reflection, T.Hirashima, H.Noda, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia: ED-MEDIA95, pp.336-341(Graz, Austria, 1995).

(B14)Error-Visualization by Erroneous-Simulation, T.Hirashima, T.Horiguchi, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Notes of AI-ED95 Workshop: The Use of Qualitative Reasoning Techniques in Interactive Learning Environments, pp.6-9(Washington, DC, USA, 1995).

(B15)How to elicit self-explanation, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED95, pp.282-289 (Washington, DC, USA, 1995).

(B16)A Formulation of Auxiliary Problems and Its Evaluations, T.Hirashima, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED95, pp.186-193(Washington, DC, USA, 1995).

(B17)Collaboration and Student Modeling in Instructional Explanation, A.Kashihara, K.Nomura, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of Fifth International Conference on User Modeling: UM-96, pp.161-168(Hawaii, USA, 1996).

(B18)Qualitative Diagnosis of Error-Based Simulation for Error-Visualization, T.Horiguchi, T.Hirashima, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia: ED-MEDIA96, pp.312-317 (Boston, USA, 1996).

(B19)Toward a Learning Environment Allowing Learner-Directed Problem Practice -- Helping to Problem-Solving by Using Problem Simplification, T.Hirashima, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda. Proc. of The Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems: ITS'96, pp.466-474(Montreal, Canada, 1996). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1086: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1996)

(B20)Error-Based Simulation and It's Management Using Qualitative Reasoning Techniques, T.Horiguchi, T.Hirashima, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Notes of ITS`96 Workshop: Simulation-Based Learning Technology, pp.5-10(Montreal, Canada, 1996).

(B21)A Self-Explanation Assistance with Diagram Tailoring, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of EuroAIED, pp.122-128(Lisbon, Portgual, 1996).

(B22)A Method to Create Cognitive Conflict, T.Hirashima, T.Horiguchi, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of EDMEDIA97, pp.485-490(Calgary, Canada, 1997).

(B23)Error-Visualization by Error-Based Simulation and Its management, T.Hirashima, T.Horiguchi, A.Kashihara, J.Toyoda, Proc. of AIED97, pp.450-457(Kobe, Japan, 1997))(.ps.gz)(Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 39: Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, 1997)


(B24)An Instructional System for Behavior-Based Recursive Programming, N.Matsuda, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of AIED97, pp.325-330(Kobe, Japan, 1997) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 39: Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, 1997)

(B25)A Knowledge Externalization with Multiple External Representations and Intelligent Assistance, A.Kashihara, N.Matsui, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of AIED97, pp.609-611(Kobe, Japan, 1997) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 39: Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, 1997)

(B26)Toward Learning from Surfing, T.Nomoto, N.Matsuda, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of the workshop "Intelligent Educational Systems on the World Wide Web", 8th World Conference of the AIED society, pp.40-46(Kobe, Japan, 1997).

(B27)Context-Sensitive Filtering for Hypertext Browsing, N.Matsuda, T.Hirashima, T.Nomoto, J.Toyoda, Proc. of Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, pp.253-256(Fukuoka, Japan, 1997)

(B28)Information Filtering for Context-Sensitive Browsing T.Hirashima, M.Matsuda, T.Nomoto, J.Toyoda Proc. of the 10th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: AI'97, pp.379-388(Perth, Australia, 1997). (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1342: Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 1997)

(B29)A Diagram Tailoring for Supporting Knowledge Externalization, A.Kashihara, M.Matsui, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of ICCE'97, pp.477-484(Kuching, Malaysia, 1997).

(B30)Context-Sensitive Filtering for Browsing in Hypertext, T.Hirashima, M.Matsuda, T.Nomoto, J.Toyoda, Proc. of 1998 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp.119-126 (San Francisco, USA, 1998)

(B31)Context-sensitive filtering to support learning from surfing, T.Hirashima, Noriyuki Matsuda, Toyohiro Nomoto, J.Toyoda, Proc. of ED-MEDIA98, pp.555-560(Freiburg, Germany, 1998).

(B32) A knowledge visualization and its evaluation, Akihiro Kashihara, Norio Matsui, Tsukasa Hirashima & Jun'ichi Toyoda, Proc. of ED-MEDIA98,pp.679-684(Freiburg, Germany, 1998).

(B33)The design of recursive programming exercises based on behavior of programs, M.Matsuda, A.Kashihara, T.Hirashima, J.Toyoda, Proc. of ED-MEDIA98, pp.919-924(Freiburg, Germany, 1998).

(B34)Two Points of View Concerning Effectiveness of Error-Visualization, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akihiro Kashihara, Jun'ichi Toyoda, Proc. of ICCE98, pp.422-431(1998).

(B35)Toward Context-Sensitive Filtering on WWW, T.Hirashima, N.Matsuda, T.Nomoto, J.Toyoda, Proc. of WebNet98, pp.1084-1085(1998).

(B36)A Learner Assistance Method for An Intelligent Physics Learning Environment on Force Recognition, M.Fujimoto, T.Hirashima, A.Takeuchi, Proc. of ED-MEDIA99(1999).

(B37)Error-Visualization by Error-Based Simulation Considering Its Effectiveness Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akihiro Kashihara, Jun'ichi Toyoda, Proc. of AIED99, pp.421-428(Le Mans, France, 1999). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 50: Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, 1999)


(B38)Context-Sensitive Filtering for Browsing on Web Pages, T.Hirashima, N.Matsuda, T.Nomoto, J.Toyoda, Proc. of WebNet99, pp.1294-1295(Hawaii, USA, 1999).

(B39)Problem-Making Practice to Master Solution-Methods in Intelligent Learning Environment, A.Nakano, T.Hirashima, A.Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE'99, pp.891-898(Chiba, Japan, 1999) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 55: Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, IOS Press, 1999)


(B40)Intelligent Learning Support System for Algorithm Learning, M.Kalayar, H.Ikematsu, T.Hirashima, A.Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE'99, pp.840-843(Chiba, Japan, 1999) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 55: Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, IOS Press, 1999)

(B41)A Definition of Difficulty of Questions in an Intelligent Support System for English Learning, H.Kunichika, T.Hirashima, A.Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE'99, pp.848-851(Chiba, Japan, 1999) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 55: Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, IOS Press, 1999)

(B42)A Diagnosis Function of Arthmetical Word Problems for Learning by Problem Posing, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Nakano, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of PRICAI2000, pp.745-755(Melbourne, Australia, 2000) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1886: PRICAI2000 Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2000)

(B43)An Environment for Learning by Design: In the case of Learning of Search Algorithm Tsukasa Hirashima, Hidenori Ikematsu, Myat kalayar, Akira Takeuchi Proc. of ICCE2000, pp.679-686(Taipei, Taiwan, 2000)

(B44)A Learning Environment for Problem Posing Akira Nakano, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi Proc. of ICCE2000, pp. 91-99 (Taipei, Taiwan, 2000)


(B45)A Method of Creating Counterexamples by Using Error-Based Simulation, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Proc. of ICCE2000, pp. 619-628 (Taipei, Taiwan, 2000)


(B46)Evaluating of Error-Based Simulation by Using Qualitative Reasoning Techniques, Tsukasa Hirashima, Tomoya Horiguchi, Proc. of QR-01, pp.128-133 (San Antonio, USA, 2001).

(B47)An Intelligent Problem-Sharing Environment on Web, Tsukasa Hirashima Taichi Umeda, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of AIED2001, pp.560-562(San Antonio, USA, 2001). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 68: Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, 2001)

(B48)The Role of Counterexamples in Discovery Learning Environment, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Notes of the 1st International Workshop on Chance Discovery, pp.5-10(Matsue, Japan, 2001).

(B49)A Framework for Creating Counerexamples in Discovery learning Environment, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Proc. of ED-MEDIA2001, pp.784-789 (Tampere, Finland, 2001).


(B50)Intelligent Tutoring System for Search Algorithm, Myat Kalayar, Hidenori Ikematsu, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.1369-1376(2001).

(B51)Design of Error Visualization Tool to Compare Data Flow with Algorithms of Simple Recursion, Noriyuki Matsuda, Tsukasa Hirashima, Hirokazu Taki, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.250-253(2001).

(B52)Automated Question Generation Methods for Intelligent English Learning Systems and Its Evaluation, Hidenobu Kunichika, Tomoki Katayama, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.1117-1124(2001).

(B53)An Architecture of an Object Oriented Authoring System for Web Based Learning Materials, Izumi Maji, Hidenobu Kunichika, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.344-347(2001).

(B54)An Intelligent Learning Environment for Problem Posing and Its Evaluation, Akira Nakano, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.1242-1249(2001).


(B55)An Intelligent Problem Authoring Environment on Web, Tsukasa Hirashima, Taichi Umeda, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.459-456(2001).

(B56)What Pulls the Trigger of Reflection, Tsukasa Hirashima, Tomoya Horiguchi, Proc. of ICCE2001, pp.1707-1708(2001).

(B57)An Evaluation of Intelligent Learning Environment for Problem Posing, Akira Nakano, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ITS2002, pp.861-872(2002). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2363, Springer, 2002)


(B58)Differential Indexing- A Problem-Authoring Method for Computer-Based Problem Practice, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of e-Learning 2002, pp.1612-1615(2002).

(B59)PCA : Simulating Erroneous Equations for Error-Visualization, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Proc. of ICCE2002, pp.552-556(2002)


(B60)Fusion Method for Designing Computer-Based Learning Game, Takanobu Umetsu, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2002, pp.124-128(2002).


(B61)Visualization of Bugs in Subtraction with Block-Box Model, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2002, pp.113-114

(B62)A Support Environment for Learning by Describing Problem Map, Akira Nakano, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2002, pp.119-123(2002)


(B63)A Computational Method of Complexity of Questions on Contents of English Sentences and its Evaluation, Hidenobu Kunichika, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2002, pp.97-102(2002).

(B64) Visualization of Bugs in Subtraction with Block-Box Model, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ED-MEDIA2003, pp.777-783(2003).

(B65)A Metadata Editor of Exercise Problems for Adaptive Problem Sequencing, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of AIED2003, pp.425-427(2003)(Artificial Intelligence in Education, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Vol.97, ISO Press)

(B66)A Method of Supporting English Composition by Animations as a Trigger for Reflection, Hidenobu Kunichika, Akira Takeuchi, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Proc. of AIED2003, pp.29-36(2003). (Artificial Intelligence in Education, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Vol.97, ISO Press)


(B67)An Intelligent Learning Environment for Describing Problem Map, Akira Nakano, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Supplementary proc. of AIED2003, pp.521-526, 2003.


(B68)A Computational Framework of Thought Experiment Environments, T.Horiguchi, T.Hirashima, Proc. of ICCE 2003, pp.1074 - 1078(2003).


(B69)Tutoring System for Pencil Drawing Discipline, N. Matsuda, S. Takagai, M. Soga, T. Hirashima, T. Horiguchi, H. Taki, T. Shima, F. Yoshimoto , Proc. of ICCE2003, pp.1163-1170(2003).


(B70)A Method to Resolve Ambiguity of Interpretation of English Sentences for Intelligent English Learning Support Systems, H. Kunitika, M. Honda, T. Hirashima, and A. Takeuchi, Proc. of ICCE2003, pp.1139-1146 (2003.12).


(B71)Partial Exchange Method for Designing Computer-Based Learning Games, Takanobu UMETSU, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Akira TAKEUCHI, Proc. of ICCE2003, pp.1244-1246, 2003.


(B72)A simulation-based learning environment assisting scientific activities based on the classification of 'surprisingness', Horiguchi, T., Hirashima, T., Proc. of ED-MEDIA04,pp. 497-504(2004)


(B73)A Scaffold Process to Facilitate Comprehension in Web-Based Training,Yoshihiro Fukunaga, Akira Takeuchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Hidenobu Kunichika, Proceedings of 15th Information Resources Management Association International Conference, pp.1187-1188(2004)

(B74)A Support Environment for Learning by Describing Problem Map in Arithmetical Word Problems. Akira Nakano. Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, ICCE2004,pp.213-225(2004).


(B75)Partial exchange method for designing learning games and its application, Takanobu Umetsu, Tsukasa Hirashima, ICCE2004,pp.257-264(2004).


(B76)Error-visualization in multi-agent social simulations for developing childrens' statistical skills, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, ICCE2004,pp.105-111(2004).


(B77)Example retrieval of learning functions for supporting authoring of a WBT system, Hidenobu Kunitika,Toru Motogami, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi,ICCE2004,pp.1627-1633(2004).


(B78)A Method of Judgment by Comparing Answer Sentences with Expected Correct Answers for Questions and Answers in CALL. Hidenobu KUNICHIKA, Minoru HONDA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA and Akira TAKEUCHI, Proc. of EDMEDIA2004,pp. 1413-1418(2004)


(B79)A Metadata Editor of Exercise Problems for Intelligent e-Learning, T.Hirashima, Workshop Notes of Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning at ISWC2004, pp.99-101(2004).

(B80)Realizing Adaptive Questions and Answers for ICALL Systems, Hidenobu Kunichika, Minoru URUSHIMA, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of AIED2005, pp. 854-856(2005) (Artificial Intelligence in Education -Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology-, IOS Press, 2005).


(B81)Graph of Microworld, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Proc. of AIED2005, pp. 670-677(2005) (Artificial Intelligence in Education -Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology-, IOS Press, 2005).


(B82)Design Method for Learning Games Based on Key Structure and Behavior,Takanobu UMETSU, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Proc. of ICCE2005, pp. 516-523, 2005 (Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, IOS Press, 2005)


(B83)Conceptual Changes in Learning Mechanics by Error-based Simulation, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Masahiko Okamoto, Proc. of ICCE2005, pp. 138-145(2005). (Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, IOS Press, 2005)


(B84)Implementation and Effectiveness of a Feedback Feature in Underlining to Promote Reading Comprehension of e-Learning Instructional Materials, Yoshihiro Fukunaga, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, , Proc. of ICCE2005, pp. 99-106(2005). (Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, IOS Press, 2005)


(B85)Error Visualization to Scaffold Metacognitive Activity, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Tomoya HORIGUCHI, The 2nd Joint Workshop of Cognition and Learning through Media-Communication for Advanced e-Learning,pp.1-6(2005,Invited).


(B86)Developing and evaluation of a computer-based problem posing in the case of arithmetical word problems, A. Nakano, T.Hirashima, A.Takeuchi, The Fourth International Conference on Computer Applications: ICCA2006(2006.3).

(B87)Visualizing Errors and its Evaluation, Hidenobu Kunichika, Tsukasa Hirashima, and Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ITS2006, pp.744-746(Short Paper: (67+24)/202=45%) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4053, 2006)(Short Paper, acceptance rate:(67+24)/202=45%)(2006.7).


(B88)Robust Simulator:A Method of Simulating Learners' Erroneous Equations for Making Error-based Simulation, Tomoya Horiguchi and Tsukasa Hirashima, Proc.of ITS2006, pp.655-665 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4053, 2006)(Full paper, acceptance rate:67/202=33%)(2006.7).


(B89)Virtual Experimental Environment to Support Learning by Designing Physics Experiment, Takahito Toumoto, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, and Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of ED-MEDIA2006, pp. 2443-2445 (2006.6).

(B90)Interactive Environment to Support Learning by Designing Physics Experiments, Takahito Toumoto, Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, and Akira Takeuchi, Proc. of E-Learn2006, pp. 3067-3075 (2006.10).

(B91)Property Exchange Method for Automatic Generation of Computer-Based Learning Games, Takanobu UMETSU, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Akira TAKEUCHI, ICCE2006, pp.535-542(Full paper, acceptance rate: 17% (We received 288 submissions of which we have been able to accept 50 full, 59 short))(2006.12).

(B92)Visualizing Errors for Self-correcting Discrepancy between Thinking and Writing, Hidenobu Kunichika, Tsukasa Hirashima, Akira Takeuchi, ICCE2006, pp.483-490 (Full paper, acceptance rate: 17%(We received 288 submissions of which we have been able to accept 50 full, 59 short))(2006.12).

(B93)A Computer-Based Environment for Learning by Problem-Posing as Sentence-Integration, Tsukasa Hirashima, Takuro Yokoyama, Masahiko Okamoto, Akira Takeuchi, ICCE2006, pp.127-130 (Short Paper, acceptance rate:38%(We received 288 submissions of which we have been able to accept 50 full, 59 short))(2006.12).

(B94)Learning Environment for Designing Physics Experiment:DEEP, Takahito TOUMOTO, Tomoya HORIGUCHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Akira TAKEUCHI, ICCE2006, pp.659-660(DSC Paper, acceptance rate:58% (We received 24 submissions out of which we could only accept 14 full papers)), (2006.12).

(B95)Recommendation of Visual Information by Gaze-Based Implicit Preference Acquisition, A. Yoshitaka, K. Wakiyama and T. Hirashima, Proc.of 13th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (LNCS4351), pp.126-137 (2007.1).




(C1)平嶋 宗,"学習者モデリングと適応的インタラクション",人工知能学会誌, Vol.14, No.1, pp.17-24(1999).

(C2)平嶋 宗,"教育的インタラクションと学習者モデリング",システム制御情報学会誌,Vol.47, No.4, pp.185-190(2003).

(C3)平嶋 宗,"「誤りへの気づき」を与えるインタラクションを目指して",ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌 Vol.6 No.2 特集「学習・創造・インタラクション」,pp.31-34 (2004.5).


(C4)平嶋 宗,堀口 知也,"「誤りからの学習」を指向した誤り可視化の試み",教育システム情報学会誌 Vol.21 No.3,pp.178-186 (2004.7).


(C5)平嶋 宗,"メタ認知の活性化支援",人工知能学会誌,Vol.21, No.1, pp.58-64(2006).




(D1)教育工学事典, 平嶋 宗, 担当部分「マイクロワールド」(pp.479-480)および「ILE」(pp. 11-13)、日本教育工学会編、実教出版(2000)

(D2)教育システム情報学会ハンドブック, 平嶋 宗, 担当部分:「知的マイクロワールド」(pp.109-112),教育システム情報学会編,実教出版

(D3)人工知能学事典, 平嶋 宗,リフレクションの支援, pp. 856-857(2006)





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