藤田茉佑, 教育システム情報学会, 2019年度 JSiSE 学生研究発表会(中国地区), 優秀ポスター発表賞, 2020/3/31
姫宮恵, 教育システム情報学会, 2019年度 JSiSE 学生研究発表会(中国地区), 優秀ポスター発表賞, 2020/3/31
林雄介, 岩井健吾, 平嶋宗, 空間表現を媒介とした言語・数式表現間の変換としての和差算数文章題の定式化と学習環境の設計, 一般社団法人 人工知能学会, 人工知能学会先進的学習科学と工学研究会, 研究会優秀賞<SIG-ALST-B901-3>, 2020/6/22
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Triyanna WIDIYANINGTYAS, Setiadi Cahyono PUTRO, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI,Extended Scratch-Build Concept Map to Enhance Meaningful Learning, ICEEIE (International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering) , Best Paper Award, Oct 3, 2019
Aryo PINANDITO, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Online Collaborative Kit-Build Concept Map:Conversation Analysis and Learning Effect in Collaborative Learning of English as a Foreign Language, The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, APSCE (Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education) , Best Poster Design Award, Nov 27, 2020
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Study on Extended Scratch-Build Concept Map to Enhance Students’ Understanding and Promote Quality of Knowledge Structure, The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) - Volume 11 No 4, 2020, pp: 144-153, April 2020, https://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0110420
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Improving Knowledge Structure through Extended Scratch-Build Concept Mapping, Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE) - Volume 3 No 1, 2020, pp: 36-40, http://journal2.um.ac.id/index.php/lite/article/view/14321/6008
Lia SADITA, Pedro Gabriel Fontales FURTADO, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Analysis of The Similarity of Individual Knowledge and The Comprehension of Partner's Representation during Collaborative Concept Mapping with Reciprocal Kit Build Approach, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E103-D No.7 pp.1722-173, Apr 10, 2020
Lia SADITA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Pedro Gabriel Fontales FURTADO, Kasiyah JUNUS, Harry Budi SANTOSO, The effect of differences in group composition on knowledge transfer, group achievement, and learners’ affective responses during reciprocal concept mapping with the Kit-Build Approach, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Jun 10, 2020
Lia SADITA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Warunya WUNNASRI, Jaruwat PAILAI, Kasiyah JUNUS, Harry Budi SANTOSO, Collaborative concept mapping with reciprocal kit-build: a practical use in linear algebra course, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Jul 31, 2020
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Aji Prasetya WIBAWA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Designing Rich Interactive Content for Blended Learning: A Case Study from Indonesia, Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL) - Volume 18 issue 4, 2020, pp: 276-287, DOI: 10.34190/EJEL., September 2020
福井昌則, 佐々木雄司, 萩倉丈, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, Computational Thinking を育成する組み立て式ベン図·Yes/Noチャート学習システムの設計·開発および評価, 一般社団法人 人工知能学会, 2020 年 35 巻 6 号 p. D-JA7_1-13 , 2020/11/1, https://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.35-6_D-JA7
榎本浩義, 山元翔, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 数分解を対象とした作問学習演習システムの 実践利用, 教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 37, No. 4, 2020, pp. 342‒347
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Improving Knowledge Structure through Extended Scratch-Build Concept Mapping, Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE) - Volume 3 No 1, 2020, pp: 36-40, https://doi.org/10.17977/um010v3i12020p036
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Comparing Two Extended Concept Mapping Approaches to Investigate the Distribution of Students' Achievements, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, pp. 337-340, Feb 1, 2021
Aryo PiINANDITO, Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Design and Development of Semi-Automatic Concept Map Authoring Support Tool, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL). Springer Open (to appear 2021).
Aryo PINANDITO, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Online Collaborative Kit-Build Concept Map: Learning Effect and Conversation Analysis in Collaborative Learning of English as a Foreign Language Reading Comprehension, (IEICE), pp. to appear (2021)
Aryo PINANDITO, Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Semi-Automatic Concept Map Generation Approach of Web-Based Kit-Build Concept Map Authoring Tool, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), Apr.2021, DOI:10.3991/ijim.v15i08.20489
Aryo PINANDITO, Chandrawati Putri WULANDARI, Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Hanifah Muslimah AZ-ZAHRA, Students' acceptance towards kit-build concept map authoring tool in supporting learning of English reading comprehension, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET '20), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 158–164. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3427423.3427464, Nov. 16 - 17, 2020
Aryo PINANDITO, Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Hanifah Muslimah AZ-ZAHRA, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Preliminary Review of Online Collaborative Kit-Build Concept Map Tool in Practical Use, Proceedings of the Business Innovation and Engineering Conference 2020 (BIEC 2020).6–53. doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.210727.009
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, 2020 international conference, Business Innovation and Engineering Conference (BIEC), Bogor, 2020/07/28
Masanori FUKUI, 2020 international conference, Business Innovation and Engineering Conference (BIEC), Bogor, 2020/07/28
Didik Dwi PRASETYA, Aryo PINANDITO, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, The Performance of Extended Scratch-Build Concept Mapping Tool in Blended Learning, 2020 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), pp.345-349, Sep 19, 2020
Aryo PINANDITO, Yusuke HAYASHI, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Online Collaborative Kit-Build Concept Map, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. pp. 189-191. 23-27 Nov. 2020
岩井健吾, 緒方祐 , 林雄介, 平嶋宗, "異義可換性のある接続表現を対象とした接続詞演習環境の設計開発と運用結果の分析", 先進的学習科学と工学研究会(第89回), pp:01-06, 2020.07.10.
藤田 茉佑, 林 雄介, 平嶋 宗, 統語規則の違いの明示的な学びを指向した和文英訳演習システム ―英語 5 文型を対象とした和文英訳段階的構造変換演習―, 教育システム情報学会 (JSiSE) 第3回研究会, 2020.09.03
西岡佳希,下條一駿, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, "MIF誤概念に対するError-Based Simulationの修正効果の概念マップを用いた観測",JSiSE research Report vol. 35 no.3,pp:77-84,2020-9
Bin Md Takiyudin Muhammad Asyraaf, 藤田茉佑, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, Visualization of Syntactic Structure Changes in Learning of English-Japanese Translation, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
藤田隆雅, 平嶋宗, 林雄介, 元川凱喜, 中野晴之, 「誤答に対する共感的作問」の提案と演習環境の設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
犬丸拓磨, 平嶋宗, 林雄介, 数学文章題における三角ブロックモデルを用いた情報過不足課題の演習化, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
尾坂隆児, 平嶋宗, 林雄介, 前田一誠, 岩井健吾, 犬丸拓磨, 山元翔, 算数文章題の三量命題モデルに基づく単位文章題と複合文章題の接続教材の設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
沖永友広, 中野謙, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 形式的誤謬を対象とした三角ロジック組み立て演習システムの設計開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
今井悠太, 中野謙, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 多様な分解が可能な漢字分解演習システムの設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
山口耕平, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 岩井健吾, 多様な算数文章題の作問活動を実現するTri-Prop-Scrabbleの設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
嶋川晋, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 岩井健吾, 算数文章題の作問学習における段階的演習システムの設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
河口祐毅, 大村彰梧, 林雄介, 平嶋宗, 映像講義の振り返りのためのキットビルド概念マップにおける命題説明順序に基づく再視聴推薦機能の設計・開発, 2020年度教育システム情報学会中国支部, 2021.2.27
三角ブロック, 7/1, 2,3, 広大附属中, 1年, 41人
三角ブロック, 7,8 広大附属中, 1年, 42人
三角ブロック, モンサクン, 8/26,27,28,31,,9/1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11, 寺西小学校
数学, KB: 9/4,11,18,10/2, 16, 23, 30, 11/6, 13, 20, 27 , 誠英高校
12/22, KB: UNIVERSITAS YARSI, 3年, 2クラス, 合計75人, online, 時限数(1), (Wu Bing Zhi)